The Library of HARSAC is catering to the informational needs of scientists and other user agencies.  Library collection includes books, journals, magazines, research reports, newspapers and satellite data etc.

1.1 Library Resources

  •   Books
  •   Technical Reports / Student’s projects
  •   Newspapers & Magazines
  •   Satellite Data

1.2 Seating Capacity

The total seating capacity in the reading area of Library is 10 and it is fully air conditioned.

1.3  Library Automation

HARSAC library is using Libguru software for automating library activities which is developed by Spring Time Software Company, New Delhi. This software supports the housekeeping operations of the library.

The Library has developed the complete databases of library members and library collection.

1.4 Digital Library

HARSAC publishes the results of various projects in the form of Technical Reports.These reports are available in the Library for reference to the users agencies, other institutions and related organizations for planning various developmental programs. The library has digitized these reports and created a digital repository using Greenstone Digital Library Software for making easy access to the users. The forthcoming reports in electronic form will be added to the digital repository of HARSAC. departments.

The library will provide hard /soft copies of technical reports to its users at nominal price.
A compendium is also available in library which contains list, cost and abstracts of technical reports.

1.5 Satellite Data Bank

HARSAC library has the following databases: Aerial Photographs, Satellite Data (Paper Prints, Diapositives (CCT’s), CDs and DVDs and different resource maps at different scales covering various themes. The library receives data, keeps records, processes, stores and maintains the satellite data for its retrieval and use by the scientists of Harsac.

The software used to access the satellite data at HARSAC library is called Satellite Data Information System.

The satellite data shall be issued to staff members of HARSAC only.

The  other departments/students can consult  the satellite data in house only with the permission of Chief scientist, HARSAC.

1.6 Internet Facility is available in Library.

2.0 Library Rules

2.1 Membership

The following are entitled for membership:

  • Technical staff of HARSAC.
  • Non technical staff of HARSAC.
  • Students of M tech (Geo informatics).
  • Research Associates/Project Assistants

(All the Research Associates/Project Assistants have to be deposited security of rupees 2000/ in Accounts branch for availing the library facilities.)

2.2 Working Hours:

The Library shall remain open as follows:

  • Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (Working Days).

2.3 Admission to the Library

Only registered members shall be permitted for admission to the Library.He/she must produce his/her Identity Card at the entrance of the Library, failing which admission may be refused.However, non-members shall be allowed admission only with special permission of the Chief scientist.Any non-member who would like to use the Library shall enter his/her name in Visitor’s Register & shall keep his/her personal books and other belongings in the racks  provided at the reception counter.

2.4 Access to Books

The Harsac Library follows a “Closed Access System”.The members can access stack areas with the permission of librarian. It is mandatory for all the library users to get the belongings checked at the gate before leaving the Library.

2.5 Library Assistance
Members shall be free to seek the assistance of Library Staff in the selection of books and reading material, consultation of library, literature search, etc.

2.6 Issue & return of books

Library of HARSAC follows register system for issue and return of books.

2.7 Loan Privileges

2.71 Borrowing Entitlement Will Be As Under.

Sr. No. Category No. of Books No. of Days
1. Technical staff 3 Two weeks
2. Non technical staff 2 Two weeks
3. Students of M Tech( Geo- Informatics 2 Two weeks
4. Research Associates/Project Assistants 2 Two weeks


2.72 Return of Books and Imposition of Fine.

All the borrowers are advised to return the books well in time. Fine of rupees 1/ per day per book will be imposed if the borrower fails to return the book within specific time.

The GJU will not issue clearance certificate/roll number to the M.Tech. Students until the concerned produces NO DUES CERTIFICATE from HARSAC.

2.73 Remission of Fine

Chief Scientist HARSAC may reduce or remit the fine imposed on any borrower for late return of books. Borrower will make written request to the chief scientist for this purpose.

2.74 Re-Issue and Re-Call of Books

Books shall not be re-issued to the same borrower, if any other Library user has reserved them.  Books can be recalled at any time without assigning any reason.

2.8 Loss of Books

A book lost by borrower shall be replaced with the latest edition or, the borrower will pay the current price of the book.  In case the current price of the book cannot be verified from any standard bibliographic source, then the recorded price of the book shall be payable. Indian edition shall be replaced by the Indian edition and the foreign by the foreign edition. The exchange rate applicable in all cases shall be the current conversion rate of any Nationalized Bank /RBI/ Published in The Economics Times (T.T. Selling).

2.9 Damage to Books

Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing.  They shall be heldresponsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return of book(s).

The Chief Scientist shall be competent to impose penalties if any member is found guilty of damaging/mutilating/disfiguring a book or any other reading material.

2.10 Write Off

The Library shall follow HARSAC norms regarding write off & disposal of damaged or lost books on the recommendation of library committee.

2.11 Stock Verification

Stock verification will be done annually and during stock verification the library will remain closed.

2.12 NO- Dues Certificate

Before leaving the HARSAC every student has to return the library books and clear all dues, if any, and obtain a NO Dues certificate from library. The GJU authority will be informed accordingly.


Every staff member has to return library books and clear all dues, if any, and obtain a No Dues certificate from library before leaving the HARSAC.

Research Associates/Project Assistants

Before leaving the HARSAC every Research Associates/Project Assistants has to return the library books and clear all dues, if any, and obtain a NO Dues certificate from library.

2.13 Discipline within the Library Premises and other Guidelines

  •  All the members are required to maintain proper discipline in the library premises, and observe library rules.
  •  Silence shall be observed in the Library.
  •  The library users are advised to keep their mobiles switched off or on silent mode.
  •  Tea and eatables are not allowed in library.
  •  Users found talking loudly, shouting or quarrelling or including in eve-teasing or any other act of indiscipline shall be liable to punishment as per HARSAC Rules.
  •  Smoking/Spitting is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  •  Damage to the Library property may lead to withdrawal of library privileges. In serious cases heavy fine and other disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Only light writing material shall be allowed inside the Library, Personal books, issued library books not meant for return, files, rain-coats, umbrella etc. Shall be kept at the Reception Counter at Reader’s own risk and responsibility.
  •  Any member who is found guilty of taking a book out of the library without authorization shall be liable to disciplinary action/withdrawal of library privileges and/or fine.  The nature of punishment shall be determined by the Chief Scientist, HARSAC.
  • The chief scientist, HARSAC shall be competent to impose any one or more of the following penalties for any act of indiscipline:



Temporary or permanent withdrawal of library facilities or cancellation of membership.